Archer UAS

About Us

Enhancing Our Community
and Public Health & Safety

Archer UAS is at the forefront of unmanned air systems (UAS) deployment and is helping to establish and shape standards and best practices in this new and growing industry.
Archer UAS seeks to improve public health and safety by reimagining how we address time-sensitive medical emergencies and developing groundbreaking technologies that will have a profound effect on our communities.

From our fully managed sUAS deployment systems that are hosted, maintained and monitored by Archer UAS, to specific individual components of our robust suite of software and hardware innovations, Archer UAS is one of the first technology companies with the ability to create, implement, and manage turnkey autonomous sUAS deployments completely tailored to client specifications.

Archer will work hand in hand with clients to ensure all Archer UAS flights are fully compliant with all local and federal aviation regulations.


Our Story

In 2013, Archer CEO, founder, and sUAS enthusiast, Gordon Folkes, set out to utilize the speed and athleticism of sUAS for good. As a former lifeguard, Gordon was familiar with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA), one of the leading causes of death in the United States.
Knowing that the greatest obstacle was getting an AED to a victim in need within a few short minutes before brain damage or death occurred, Gordon decided to turn his focus toward sUAS deployment to reach victims in less than five minutes from dispatch. Archer’s unique approach addresses all aspects of sUAS deployment, not just the vehicle itself.

Archer First Response Systems (AFRS), a 911 integrated technology that delivers an automated external defibrillator (AED) and other time-sensitive medical supplies directly to victims in need was born. The intellectual property created for AFRS to take flight gave way to an entire line of vehicle housing units, flight and fleet management software, mapping, geographic information systems and other technologies that can be tailor-made to suit endless applications.


that enhance

We firmly believe that small, autonomous aircraft will usher in the next generation of lifesaving tools, uninhibited by ground obstacles, transportation delays or distance between critical medical supplies and a victim. Archer UAS brings communities blanket coverage, where an AED, and other medical supplies like NARCAN® and a STOP THE BLEED® kit is on standby 24/7 and able to reach any safe delivery coordinate within a large geographical area in less than five minutes.

Our goal is to dramatically reduce the number of OHCA and drug overdose deaths by bringing new tools and resources to those on the front lines of this crisis—first responders, the medical community and local government and municipalities.
